About Me

So I guess you would like to know a little about me...let's see where to start?  I should start off by asking you a question.  Have you ever been doing something (a normal everyday activity like going to work) when you realize that you should be somewhere else?  Not just  somewhere else but be somebody else or at least living a different lifestyle?
I'm going to let you guess on my age (I'm old enough to remember when the original X-Men cartoons showed on Saturday Mornings but not old enough to draw a Social Security check) but by now most of us have gotten to the point where all the "I'm going to be a......when I grow up" are just a thing in the past and where stuck realizing that this might be as good as it gets (or is it)! 
I was sitting in the normal blue grayish tan office cube when I looked down at the design that I had painted on my nails the night before (which I was just trying my hand at to save money) when I realized that I no longer wanted to look at life passing me by I wanted to participate with it!  By now I had taken Applitude test after test trying to see where I would best fit with my current skills.  The test stated I could fit anywhere but I would most likely strive with an artistic field.  I tried making bracelets (not going to mention how that turned out), tried painting (good at this but only paint when I'm in the mood), tried baking (I like it but I'm no culinary artist...hats off to them though)...
So I sit and look down at this bright burnt orange color with a basket weave design and after all that discovered that I had a passion for doing nails, designing nail art, discovering new professional job opportunities in the nail field, and everything else nails.  This turned into a passion for make-up and then onto great healthy skin (because lets face it make-up looks a whole heck a lot better on smooth healthy looking skin).  The rest is history I located a school where I'm currently training to become a certified nail tech and my plans are to complete Esthetics and Make-up training in the future.  Suddenly things don't look so blue grayish tan from an office cube; but bright neon, pastel pinks and nudes, shimmer purples, and fire engine red!
I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I'm going to enjoy creating and discovering myself again (smile)!

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